A web developer who has a fairly broad outlook in terms of technology and capabilities. Designs databases, platform architecture, analyzes load, writes algorithms, optimizes them, and more. I grew up with gaming interests, previously creating various servers, and now I am engaged in professional development. I adhere to the principles of SOLID, OOP.
as well as - Websockets, Nginx, Gunicorn, Uvicorn, C#, git, Postman, composer, javascript...
RTU MIREA - "Personal computers and networks"
RTU MIREA - "Instrument making and radio electronics"
LLC "LikeViar" - Creative VR-agency likevr.ru
LLC "KingKupon" - Coupon Sites Network kupon.ru
LLC "Vidanov Digital" - a creative association at the church of St. right. John of Kronstadt in Hamburg vidanov.com
Clinic "Hadassah Medical"Christina Parfenova
LLC "Vidanov Digital"Maxim
IE Fedorov Maxim AlexandrovichDevelopment of simple sites, blogs, business card sites, and online stores. CMS Wordpress or Python Flask.
Development of an optimized API for your mobile applications.
Installation, configuration of Linux systems, as well as support for working sites.
Some of the work on which I took a significant part
Created by me - Lightweight PHP class for accepting payments through Tinkoff bank, free of charge, for everyone
At the time of implementation, he worked at LLC "LikeVR"
What is this project? We design and implement social programs aimed at inclusive education, bullying prevention and creating a safe environment for children, both within and outside the family. The mechanism of transferring money to help the project "Zhuravlik", Travli.NET, "We are against violence", "Inclusive capsule" was connected
A new server is selected, a Linux server is configured, the transfer of the entire project, and deployment. Optimization for high loads. API development for a mobile application
A website for a ready-made design in Figma has been created. Website transfer, website optimization, CRM systems connection
Логотип LikeVR от Артемия Лебедева